• Have you outgrown your current home?
  • Do you need to downsize from your current home?
  • Are you being relocated?
  • Do you need to be referred to a realtor who is out of state?
  • Are you wanting to live in a different neighborhood?
  • Are you looking for an investment property?
  • Do you want a new home so you can use your current home as an investment property?
  • Are you ready to buy your dream home?
  • Are you looking for a retirement home?
  • Are you helping a family member or friend look for a new home?
  • Do you want a newer updated home?
  • Do you want more land?
  • Have your needs changed for the style of home you could use?
  • Is your health forcing you to change homes?
  • Have your tastes changed in the style of home you like?
  • Do you want to move closer to family?


There are so many reasons you might be thinking about buying or selling your home. Let me ask you the right questions to find out your goals and ideas, your thoughts and your feelings, your wants and your needs. My experience in real estate has shown me that the most important reason for buying or selling your home is YOU. Allow us, you and I, to take the time to really dig into the thought of buying or selling your home and all the reasons why.